Deep tissue massage therapy isn’t just a Swedish massage with deeper strokes or harder pressure. Deep tissue massages use firm pressure and slow stroked to massage deep layers of muscle and fascia, which is the connective tissue that surrounds your muscles.
Deep tissue massages are used to break up scar tissue and break down muscle adhesions (the “knots” that we feel in our muscles are muscle adhesions, which are bands of rigid and painful muscle tissue). These knots can inhibit our circulation and cause pain and inflammation.
Deep tissue massages have benefits for both your physical and mental health. Any massage will have numerous benefits for the receiver, making them an an easy way to relax and treat your medical issues.
Deep tissue massage is a great stress reliever. Whether you are experiencing stress at home or at work, getting a massage is a great way to unplug and relax for an extended period of time.
A massage can help lower cortisol levels and increase levels of oxytocin, which is a hormone that relaxes the body and produces soothing effects. It can also help with physical symptoms of stress, such as tight muscles and shoulders and tension headaches. A deep tissue massage can address these issues and help your body relax.
There are a number of conditions that deep tissue massage therapy can treat. Chronic pain in the lower back, plantar fasciitis, fibromyalgia, and stiff necks can all be treated with massage therapy.
Muscle tension that usually occurs with chronic pain can also be lessened with deep tissue massage, as it can loosen the tight tissue clusters causing pain.
Research has reported that deep tissue massage is more effective for relieving chronic pain than medication or other medical treatments, and is usually more cost-effective as well.
Deep tissue massage reduces stress and tension, which impacts blood pressure. Massage has positive impacts on systolic, diastolic, and arterial blood pressure. The massage can also increase production of serotonin, which promotes good feelings and happiness.
In areas where people have scar tissue, they often report chronic pain and stiffness. Getting regular deep tissue massages can help break up this scar tissue by improving lymphatic circulation and drainage to improve flexibility and range of motion in the area of the scar tissue. Many people who are recovering from surgery are often encouraged to get deep tissue massages to minimize scar tissue.
Deep tissue massage therapy can be used to treat many different symptoms of arthritis, like pain, stiffness, limited range of motion in joints, and sleep issues. Moderate pressure can reduce arthritis pain and ease tension, making it easier for those with arthritis to move around. It can also help with sleep issues by alleviating pain that may keep arthritis patients awake at night.
If you have injured muscles, a deep tissue massage can help stretch tight or twisted muscles and can also facilitate the movement of toxins from your muscles. Deep tissue massage therapy is used frequently to treat sports-related injuries. Many athletes are incorporating deep tissue massage into their recovery protocols, as they can help delay the onset of muscle soreness, help with muscle fatigue, and prevent injuries.